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Six Stages of HR Transformation

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

  1. Business as Usual: This initial stage is the starting point of your HR digital transformation strategy. Your company has decided to transform its manual HR processes by upgrading HR tools and technology fit for the digital future.

  2. Present and Active: Your management team has bought into the need for your HR digital transformation. Now, you need to map your plan and business needs.

  3. Formalized: You likely have a better idea of what solutions are needed to address your business needs. You may need to revive your management team’s enthusiasm because it’s time to start spending money.

  4. Strategic: Enter your digital HR strategy. You’ve started working with other teams and are collecting different perspectives. Now, you bake all that into your strategic roadmap.

  5. Converged: Time to assemble your team to deliver on the strategy and its goals. And then, you’re ready for the liftoff of your digital transformation!

  6. Innovative and Adaptive: In this final stage, you’re reaping benefits from your digital transformation. It’s now your new business as usual – except this time, you’re going to keep exploring and experimenting.

Source: Jessica Ruane | Beekeeper publication

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