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Workforce Planning

Bell Curve practitioners facilitate a systematic approach to anticipate its client’ human capital needs to ensure that the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities will be available when needed to accomplish the client’ goals and objectives.

Bell Curve’ Workforce Analysis process typically examines four areas:

Supply Analysis

  • Does the client have the right personnel mix to enable the company to achieve its short-term and long-term business goals?

  • What knowledge, skills, and abilities the current staff is lacking?

  • Does the client need to expand their workforce levels to meet business needs?

  • What internal redeployment or development will meet the client’ supply needs?


Demand Analysis

  • Is the client retrenching or growing? How fast? In which areas?

  • Is the client moving to a new direction or new business line?

  • Does the client need to redefine their employees’ job descriptions to achieve long-term objectives?

  • How many employees are needed in each job area?


Gap Analysis

  • Where are the knowledge, skills, and abilities gaps in the current supply?

  • What competencies currently exist in the organization?

  • What competencies will be needed in the future?


Solution Analysis

  • How much money will be allocated to staffing future knowledge, skills, and abilities?

  • Should the client build, buy, or borrow the talent?

  • What sources should the client use?

  • Can the gaps be filled by local manpower or elsewhere?

  • What is the best-fit staffing strategy?

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